Toy Finder
Toy Finder

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Porepta vid quae odit, aut ut voles dolorpos debit quiamus maiores cuptas ducipsum sapienet molut !


1. How to choose my robot ?

Several options are available : Search with Toy Finder using different criteria or by category. Or you can find the humanoid robots in "Ycoo Neo", the sports robots in "YCOO ON THE GO!" and animal robots in "YCOO N' Friends". Come and discover them all!

2. How to activate my robot ?

Download the instruction manual on the website product page. You will have all the information to activate your robot.

3. What is the minimum age to play the robot ?

The age limit of playing the Silverlit robot is at least 3+. You can find the recommend age on each product page. You can also search on the Toy Finder by age to find the robots corresponding easily.

4. What type of batteries should I use in my robots?

Read the instructions to know which type of batteries to use. We recommend to use alkaline batteries and don't use rechargeable batteries that may affect the performance of robots and even cause faulty.

5. How many players can Robo Kombats or Kickabot to be played at the same time?

To enable multi-players with Kickabot robots or Robot Kombats, different channels of robots are required. One color = one channel. You can play with maximum 4 players.

6. I can't customize the voice commands of my robotic puppy (Duke or Pupbo). How to handle it ?

It is highly recommanded to customize your robotic puppy in a quiet environment. Place the robotic puppy besides you rather than in front of you for better reception as the sensors are located on the side.

7. Is it possible to command the robotic puppy (Duke or Pukbo) in another language ?

Yes. They reacts to your customized voice commands so it doesn't matter what languages you use as long as you are speaking the same commands you'd recorded.

8. I lost my Robo Chameleon's included "insects" coins. How can I get other one ?

Unfortunately we can't offer additional spare parts but you can use small paperclips as replacement, our Robo Chameleon will still be able to catch them all!

9. How to contact our after sale service ?

Please use our contact us form from this link: